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Documents related to the legal basis of society.


Showing 100 (1,801 to 1,900) of 83,792 results, page 19 of 100.
O'Connor, Pam --- "Waiver of debts: which law applies?" [1994] SocSecRpr 92; (1994) 1(81) Social Security Reporter 1190 | AustLII

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Travers v State of NSW [2001] FMCA 18 (21 March 2001) | AustLII

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Australian Industrial Relations Commission - Decision Summaries | AustLII

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KERSHAW v R [1991] WASC 303 (1 August 1991) | AustLII

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PERSONAL SAFETY INTERVENTION ORDERS ACT 2010 - SECT 151 Registered corresponding interstate orders may be enforced as final orders | AustLII

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ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1984 - SECT 53 Distribution of surplus property | AustLII

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The Civil Air Operations Officers' Association of Australia v Airservices Australia re Airservices Australia (Consolidated) Award 1996 - PR911175 [2001] AIRC 1252; (27 November 2001) | AustLII

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Thu Ha Nguyen v Larry Quoc Huy On and Ors [2003] NSWSC 50 (17 February 2003) | AustLII

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Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union [2016] FWCA 1732 (21 March 2016) | AustLII

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PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 - SECT 46K Contents of plan | AustLII

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FORLYLE PTY LTD v TIVER & ANOR [2007] SASC 464 (21 December 2007) | AustLII

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O'Connor, In the Estate of [1950] VicLawRp 18; [1950] VLR 343 (13 April 1950) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 12/1993 [1994] AIRC 731; (12 May 1994) | AustLII

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AustLII - University of New South Wales Law Journal Forum - Recent additions

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Sun Engineering (Qld) Pty Ltd v Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union - PR924175 [2002] AIRC 1324; (29 October 2002) | AustLII

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Limitation of Actions (Personal Injuries) Act 1972 | AustLII

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W Brown v BlueScope Steel Limited - PR964604 [2005] AIRC 955; (3 November 2005) | AustLII

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McAulay, Rebecca --- "Town of Gawler v Impact Investment Corporation Pty Ltd [2007] SASC 356" [2007] NatEnvLawRw 45; (2007) 3 National Environmental Law Review 20 | AustLII

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Power Rental Op Co Australia, LLC v Forge Group Power Pty Ltd (in liq) (receivers and managers appointed) [2017] NSWCA 8 (6 February 2017) | AustLII

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MIPEC Pty Ltd [2015] FWCA 3957 (12 June 2015) | AustLII

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N97/19555 [1999] RRTA 408 (22 February 1999) | AustLII

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Sunshine Refuellers Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 8858 (14 December 2016) | AustLII

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FAIR WORK ACT 2009 - SECT 229 Applications for bargaining orders | AustLII

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In the matter of Pty Ltd (In liq); Application of Sherman [2001] NSWSC 628 (19 July 2001) | AustLII

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Bills with no committee comment [2019] AUSStaCSBSD 139 (13 November 2019) | AustLII

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Committee appointed to examine and advise in relation to the recommendations made in chapter 8 of volume 1 of the Report of the Board of Inquiry appointed for the purpose of inquiring into and report…

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A v Private Health Service Provider [2010] PrivCmrA 2 (31 May 2010) | AustLII

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J. M. Billington and Zenith Works & Co. Pty Ltd - re Alleged unlawful termination - PR949919 [2004] AIRC 720; (23 July 2004) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 351/1996 [1996] AIRC 1663; (26 August 1996) | AustLII

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Gapes v Haeberle & Haeberle [2003] VSC 461 (21 October 2003) | AustLII

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Wilson, Beth --- "Invalid pension: invalid role" [1990] SocSecRpr 58; (1990) 1(55) Social Security Reporter 739 | AustLII

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de Wit, Elisa --- "Recent Developments: Victoria" [2007] NatEnvLawRw 36; (2007) 3 National Environmental Law Review 10 | AustLII

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Re Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex parte Lam [2003] HCA 6; (2003) 214 CLR 1; (2003) 195 ALR 502; (2003) 77 ALJR 699 (12 February 2003) | AustLII

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Application by the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police [2015] NSWSC 1843 (3 December 2015) | AustLII

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SUPERANNUATION INDUSTRY (SUPERVISION) ACT 1993 - SECT 41 When the Regulator obliged to give notice of compliance | AustLII

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Port Macdonnell Professional Fishermen's Association Inc v South Australia [1989] HCA 49; (1989) 168 CLR 340 (26 October 1989) | AustLII

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Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v EFX17 [2020] HCAASP 41 (4 December 2020) | AustLII

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Dimitriou v Huybers (No 2) [2018] NSWCA 62 (26 March 2018) | AustLII

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Spotless Services Australia Limited re Spotless Tourism and Leisure Services WA Agreement 2003 - re Division 2 agreement with employees - PR933597 [2003] AIRC 724; (26 June 2003) | AustLII

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R v Camilleri [2001] VSCA 14 (7 March 2001) | AustLII

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Austin, Maurice --- "Plans for refurbushment retain an air of the past" [1994] AUFPPlatypus 49; (1994) 42 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 11 | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 529/1991 [1991] AIRC 496; (13 June 1991) | AustLII

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Norco Co-operative Limited [2015] FWCA 5379 (6 August 2015) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 520/1991 [1991] AIRC 470; (6 June 1991) | AustLII

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Marchesi v Apostoulou [2006] FCA 1122 (23 August 2006) | AustLII

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ELSING -v- CROFT [2021] WADC 121 (16 December 2021) | AustLII

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Handyside v Sunshine Coast Regional Health Authority [1996] QSC 114 (3 July 1996) | AustLII

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R v McCloskey (No 2) [2020] NSWSC 786 (24 June 2020) | AustLII

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BANKRUPTCY ACT 1966 - SECT 9 Laws of States and Territories not affected by Act | AustLII

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Australian Red Cross Blood Service (a division of the Australian Red Cross Society) T/A Australian Red Cross Blood Service [2017] FWCA 6244 (24 November 2017) | AustLII

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Editors --- "Extension of digital radio trials in Sydney and Melbourne" [2006] AUCMAsphereNlr 130; (2006) 9 ACMAsphere 11 | AustLII

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Carriage v Stockland Development Pty Ltd & Ors [No 6] [2004] NSWLEC 541 (28 September 2004) | AustLII

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Pacific Harbour Residential Community Association Inc v Sharkey [2018] QCATA 152 (16 October 2018) | AustLII

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QUEENSLAND HERITAGE ACT 1992 - SECT 162 Grounds for appeal | AustLII

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GF v R [2005] ACTCA 46 (7 December 2005) | AustLII

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Northern Territory Public Sector Redeployment and Redundancy Provisions Award 1996 - re Award simplification - PR902656 [2001] AIRC 273; (23 March 2001) | AustLII

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Transfield Services (Australia) Pty Ltd v Sellar [2013] SAWCT 7 (2 April 2013) | AustLII

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Serratore & Anor v Noosa Shire Council [2021] QPEC 21 (9 April 2021) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 302/1988 [1988] AIRC 269; (13 April 1988) | AustLII

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Re Dimitrja Gorgevski v Bostik (Australia) Pty Ltd [1991] FCA 436; (1991) 39 IR 229 (18 September 1991) | AustLII

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R v Batchelor [2003] QCA 246 (10 June 2003) | AustLII

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Editors --- "Can platform-based regulation cope with blurred industry boundaries?" [2005] AUCMAsphereNlr 98; (2005) 4 ACMAsphere 18 | AustLII

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Dalrymple Shire Council and Department of Main Roads [1998] QICmr 10; (1998) 4 QAR 474 (28 September 1998) | AustLII

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DRUG MISUSE AND TRAFFICKING ACT 1985 - SECT 32 Penalty for offences dealt with on indictment | AustLII

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Kangaloon Road Holdings Pty Ltd v Wingecarribee Shire Council [2024] NSWLEC 1133 (21 March 2024) | AustLII

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John Bracken v OzForex Limited [2022] FWCFB 95 (9 June 2022) | AustLII

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EXPORT CONTROL ACT 2020 - SECT 191 Secretary must decide whether to grant export licence | AustLII

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National Union of Workers [2019] FWCA 1174 (22 February 2019) | AustLII

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Shattock, Michael --- "Keith Cowling and Warwick: The Contribution to the University" [2003] ELECD 92; in Waterson, Michael (ed), "Competition, Monopoly and Corporate Governance" (Edward Elgar Publis…

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1311504 [2015] RRTA 299 (27 May 2015) | AustLII

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CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 200B Retirement benefits generally need membership approval | AustLII

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Williams, Michael --- "Response to Tyson: Evaluating Australia's New Anti-Piracy Website Blocking Laws" [2018] UniSAStuLawRw 9; (2017-2018) 3 UniSA Student Law Review 122 | AustLII

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Felice v Mercedes-Benz Group Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd [2024] NSWCATCD 12 (8 January 2024) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1698/1995 [1995] AIRC 1504; (24 July 1995) | AustLII

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La Rosa v The Italian Australian Pensioners Association of Tasmania Inc. [2009] TASADT 9 (5 October 2009) | AustLII

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LEGAL PROFESSION ACT 1987 - SECT 175 Obligation to disclose to clients basis of costs | AustLII

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Leonne Velickovic on behalf of Widji People (WC98/27)/ Western Australia/ Mat Mining Pty Ltd [2004] NNTTA 35 (25 May 2004) | AustLII

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Edwards & v Attorney General & Anor [2004] NSWCA 272 (6 August 2004) | AustLII

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NAJN v Minister for Immigration [2002] FMCA 272 (8 November 2002) | AustLII

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DUTIES ACT 1999 - SECT 115L Revocation of exemption | AustLII

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R v FULLER; R v ZAZZARO [2012] SASCFC 101 (22 August 2012) | AustLII

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Tasmanian Motor Accidents Compensation Tribunal | AustLII

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Chaff Mill Employees Case [1943] SAIndRp 17; (1942-1943) 17 SAIR 369; 1943, No 35 (25 August 1943) | AustLII

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ZYX (pseudonym initials) -v- CABLE [No 3] [2023] WADC 10 (7 February 2023) | AustLII

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MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 310 Persons may appear before Migration Agents Registration Authority | AustLII

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HUGHES -v- ST BARBARA MINES LTD [No 4] [2010] WASC 160 (30 June 2010) | AustLII

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Wilma Freddie and Others representing the Wiluna Native Title Claimants/Western Australia/Giralia Resources NL [2004] NNTTA 86 (20 September 2004) | AustLII

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ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning and Environment ( Parliament) --- "Draft Variation No. 119 to the Territory Plan-Heritage Places Register-Aboriginal Places in Symonston and th…

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CUSTOMS ACT 1901 - SECT 205D Treatment of goods seized if a claim for return is made--general | AustLII

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Kearvall & Clark v Pittwater Council [2009] NSWLEC 1111 (22 April 2009) | AustLII

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Majid v R [2010] NSWCCA 121 (11 June 2010) | AustLII

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Singh v Vaughan [2000] FMCA 9 (17 November 2000) | AustLII

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PAYROLL TAX ACT 2007 - SECT 40 Amounts taken to be wages | AustLII

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Noone, Mary Anne --- "Newstart allowance: written notice of obligation" [1997] SocSecRpr 99; (1997) 2(12) Social Security Reporter 169 | AustLII

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Cohen-Young v Department of Juvenile Justice [2001] NSWCC 192 (15 June 2001) | AustLII

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