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Documents related to the legal basis of society.


Showing 100 (1,701 to 1,800) of 83,792 results, page 18 of 100.
Lipoma Pty Ltd & Ors v Redland City Council & Nerinda Pty Ltd [2019] QPEC 43 (4 October 2019) | AustLII

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Reed Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd v. Martinek Holdings Pty Ltd [2009] QSC 345 (4 November 2009) | AustLII

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New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Consumer and Commercial Division | AustLII

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HARRIS v BURRELL & FAMILY PTY LTD (ACN 104 734 929) [2010] SASCFC 12 (30 July 2010) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1505/1992 [1992] AIRC 1481; (1 December 1992) | AustLII

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Raymond William Ashwin & Others on behalf of Wutha v Diversified Asset Holdings Pty Ltd and Another [2018] NNTTA 16 (22 March 2018) | AustLII

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Villaggio Italiano Limited T/A Villaggio Sant Antonio [2018] FWCA 3112 (31 May 2018) | AustLII

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Negus, T W --- "Commissioner's Message" [2012] AUFPPlatypus 8; (2012) 112 Australian Federal Police: Platypus Magazine 1 | AustLII

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"Contents" [2009] ELECD 379; in Yueh, Linda (ed), "The Law and Economics of Globalisation" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009) | AustLII

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ROYAL COMMISSIONS AMENDMENT ACT 1982 No. 139, 1982 - SECT 5 Penalty for refusing to be sworn or to give evidence | AustLII

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Application by Lodhia (Jayesh) Nominees Pty Ltd [2014] FWC 3703 (7 August 2014) | AustLII

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Disputed entry relating to an overdue account on a credit report [1992] PrivCmrA 15 (1 July 1992) | AustLII

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Northern Territory Judgments | AustLII

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Broken Hill Proprietary Company Employees (Variation of Award) Case (No 2) [1945] SAIndRp 12; (1945) 19 SAIR 160; 1940, No 83 (22 June 1945) | AustLII

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Bauer (a Pseudonym) v The Queen (No 2) [2017] VSCA 176 (30 June 2017) | AustLII

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"Index" [2020] ELECD 477; in Carrai, A. Maria; Defraigne, Jean-Christophe; Wouters, Jan (eds), "The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020) 263 | AustLII

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Alan Rowe, the Employment Advocate v Transport Workers' Union of Australia & Ors [1998] FCA 1646 (17 December 1998) | AustLII

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Sullivan v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2020] NSWSC 253 (20 March 2020) | AustLII

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Broadspectrum (Australia) Pty Ltd (formerly Transfield Services Australia Pty Limited) [2016] FWCA 660 (1 February 2016) | AustLII

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MZYFQ v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2009] FMCA 1277 (24 December 2009) | AustLII

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Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia [2016] FWCA 5818 (18 August 2016) | AustLII

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Perpetual Trustee Co v Watson (No 2) [1927] NSWStRp 87; (1927) 28 SR (NSW) 43 (21 November 1927) | AustLII

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Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Smash Enterprises Pty Ltd [2011] FCA 375 (14 April 2011) | AustLII

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FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 - SECT 90UB Financial agreements before de facto relationship | AustLII

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Duan & Ren (No 2) [2024] FedCFamC1F 310 (10 May 2024) | AustLII

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Kylie Reed v Q-Comp and Another [2009] QIRComm 75; 192 QGIG 99 (21 September 2009) | AustLII

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Thai Star Video Pty Limited v Walpole [2007] NSWADT 193 (27 August 2007) | AustLII

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New South Wales Standing Committees on Environment and Planning | AustLII

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Attorney General for New South Wales v Kereopa (Preliminary) [2021] NSWSC 1617 (14 December 2021) | AustLII

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Murdaca v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2009] FCAFC 92 (10 August 2009) | AustLII

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THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA -v- COTTE [2020] WADC 47 (16 April 2020) | AustLII

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Chris Parr v The Warehouse Group Australia Pty Ltd - PR955382 [2005] AIRC 75; (1 February 2005) | AustLII

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NSW Trustee and Guardian (Estate of Peter Urso) [2013] NSWSC 903 (3 July 2013) | AustLII

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Transport for NSW v Registrar-General of NSW [2022] NSWSC 1660 (6 December 2022) | AustLII

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Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) v Woolworths Limited [2007] FCAFC 201 (21 December 2007) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1012/1990 [1990] AIRC 948; (6 September 1990) | AustLII

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Golden Plains C40 Part 2 (PSA) [2010] PPV 43 (20 April 2010) | AustLII

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Sgargetta v NAB [2014] VSCA 159 (30 July 2014) | AustLII

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Regan Gerard Gilmour v Director of Public Prosecutions (Commonwealth) No. 60488/95 Criminal Law and Procedure [1996] NSWSC 55 (1 April 1996) | AustLII

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Quito Pty Ltd t/a Benara Nurseries v Insurance Commission of Western Australia [2002] WASCA 8 (1 February 2002) | AustLII

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FAIR WORK ACT 2009 - SECT 532 Orders that the FWC may make | AustLII

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Application by Regis Aged Care Pty Ltd [2015] FWC 659 (2 March 2015) | AustLII

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Harris & Anor v. Commissioner of Taxation & Ors [2006] QSC 108 (19 May 2006) | AustLII

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MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT 1992 - As at 1 July 2010 - Act 94 of 1992 | AustLII

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SAS Trustee Corporation v Rossetti [2018] NSWCA 68 (10 April 2018) | AustLII

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Australian Taxation Office: Draft Superannuation Guarantee Determinations | AustLII

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Williams, Karen --- "Commonwealth Home Support Programme" [2018] ELECD 1777; in Field, Sue; Williams, Karen; Sappideen, Carolyn (eds), "Elder Law: A Guide to Working with Older Australians" (The Fede…

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SZHKC v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2007] FMCA 334 (22 March 2007) | AustLII

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Ktisti v Hungry Jack's Pty Ltd [2014] SAWCT 41 (30 September 2014) | AustLII

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Castillon v. P&O Ports Ltd [2007] QCA 364 (26 October 2007) | AustLII

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In the matter of Combined Projects (Arncliffe) Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 649 (11 May 2018) | AustLII

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Indigenous Law Bulletin | AustLII

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CASINO CONTROL ACT 1991 - SECT 38 Special employees to be licensed | AustLII

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MZYHQ & Minister for Immigration & Anor [2010] FMCA 277 (7 April 2010) | AustLII

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THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 - SECT 127ZJ Development for which biobanking is available | AustLII

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"FOREWORD" [2019] ELECD 2673; in Vandenhole, Wouter; Erdem Turkelli, Gamze; Lembrechts, Sara (eds), "Children's Rights" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) xvii | AustLII

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AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL ACT 2001 - SECT 50 Termination or variation of funding agreement or proposals | AustLII

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Hesse v Donovan & Ors [2004] QSC 343 (7 October 2004) | AustLII

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Blogg and Grist's Trade Mark Ex Parte Grist and Bowring, In re [1885] VicLawRp 117; (1885) 11 VLR 630 (29 September 1885) | AustLII

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Benedek and Anor v Meng and Anor Matter No 12685/90 [1997] NSWSC 675 (23 December 1997) | AustLII

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ACCIDENT COMPENSATION ACT 1985 - SECT 93CA Compensation for incapacity arising from surgery after second entitlement period | AustLII

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Native Title Services Victoria Ltd [2015] FWCA 5088 (24 July 2015) | AustLII

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The Queen v Mclellan [1891] VicLawRp 6; (1891) 17 VLR 19 (10 February 1891) | AustLII

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Kirsty MacKinnon v Cobral Metals Pty Ltd; 086/00 M Print S2808 [2000] AIRC 846; (8 February 2000) | AustLII

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WOOKEY -v- QUIGLEY [No 2] [2010] WASC 209 (17 August 2010) | AustLII

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Fels, Allan; Lees, Matthew --- "Unconscionable conduct in the context of competition law with special reference to retailer/supplier relationships within Australia" [2018] ELECD 1517; in Di Porto, Fa…

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Sandilands, in the application of Sandilands [2022] ACopyT 3 (7 June 2022) | AustLII

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Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 - Commentary on ministerial responses [2022] AUSStaCSBSD 120 (30 November 2022) | AustLII

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Visy Paper Pty Ltd [2013] FWCA 4567 (10 July 2013) | AustLII

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Hoysted v The Commissioner of Taxation [1921] ArgusLawRp 134; (1922) 28 Argus LR 77 (16 December 1921) | AustLII

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SZEBF v Minister for Immigration [2004] FMCA 811 (10 November 2004) | AustLII

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INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996 - SECT 91 Interpretation | AustLII

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Sutherland v Hanna (No 2) [2004] NSWSC 971 (20 October 2004) | AustLII

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Hardy, Keiran; Williams, George --- "Terrorist, Trader, or Whistleblower? Offences and Protections in Australia for Disclosing National Security Information" [2014] UNSWLawJl 29; (2014) 37(2) UNSW La…

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MZYRW v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2012] FMCA 938 (30 October 2012) | AustLII

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Allatech v Construction Management Group [2002] NSWSC 757 (23 August 2002) | AustLII

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R v Berry & Wenitong [2007] VSCA 202 (21 September 2007) | AustLII

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Mathew Mazzitelli v Qantas Airways Limited [2020] FWC 2413 (8 May 2020) | AustLII

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Industrial Court of New South Wales | AustLII

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Collins Thomson v Clayton [2002] NSWSC 366 (9 April 2002) | AustLII

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Microsoft Corporation & Anor v Rodney David Marks [1996] FCA 709 (14 August 1996) | AustLII

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Blackham Resources Limited 02 [2014] ATP 16 (20 August 2014) | AustLII

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Campbell, Fiona --- "Overcrowding in Queensland Prisons" [2012] IndigLawB 3; (2012) 7(28) Indigenous Law Bulletin 12 | AustLII

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Moffett & Varrone [2023] FedCFamC1F 232 (21 February 2023) | AustLII

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State Rail Authority of New South Wales & v Brown [2006] NSWCA 220 (7 August 2006) | AustLII

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Habitat Development Group Pty Ltd v. Maroochy Shire Council & Ors [2008] QPEC 70 (18 September 2008) | AustLII

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Planning Panels Victoria | AustLII

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Australian Tramways Employees' Association v Batten [1930] VicLawRp 2; [1930] VLR 130 (6 February 1930) | AustLII

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Graycar, Regina --- "Family allowance: arrears" [1993] SocSecRpr 25; (1993) 1(72) Social Security Reporter 1039 | AustLII

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JURIES ACT 2000 - SECT 47 Failure to reach unanimous verdict in civil trials | AustLII

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JUSTICES ACT 1902 - SECT 48A Evidence in the form of written statements in committal proceedings | AustLII

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Department of Communities and Justice & Bamfield (No 3) [2022] FedCFamC1F 3 (19 January 2022) | AustLII

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Coyne v Ansett Transport Industries [1996] IRCA 468 (24 September 1996) | AustLII

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SZLQW v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2008] FMCA 782 (6 June 2008) | AustLII

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Kourkoulis v Workcover/Mmi (Hydroil Pty Ltd) [2001] SAWCT 33 (29 March 2001) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1194/1990 [1990] AIRC 1183; (23 October 1990) | AustLII

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