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Documents related to the legal basis of society.


Showing 100 (1 to 100) of 83,792 results, page 1 of 100.
R v MDZ [2024] QCA 139 (2 August 2024) | AustLII

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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCA 6999 (29 September 2016) | AustLII

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SZDKJ v Minister for Immigration [2004] FMCA 739 (15 October 2004) | AustLII

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Alan Milsom v Integral Energy [2003] NSWSC 352 (30 April 2003) | AustLII

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Macquarie International Health Clinic Pty Ltd v Sydney Local Health District; Sydney Local Health District v Macquarie Health Corporation Ltd (No 10) [2016] NSWSC 1587 (10 November 2016) | AustLII

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Singh v Singh [2004] NSWSC 109 (3 March 2004) | AustLII

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Australian Competition & Consumer Commission v Amcor Printing Papers Group Ltd [2000] FCA 17 (19 January 2000) | AustLII

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CIVIL LAW (WRONGS) ACT 2002 - SECT 16 Damages in surviving cause of action | AustLII

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The People's Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v The Australian Federal Life and General Assurance Co Ltd [1935] NSWStRp 29; (1935) 35 SR (NSW) 253 (29 May 1935) | AustLII

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Thorne v Strohfeld [1996] QCA 16 (13 February 1996) | AustLII

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National Retail Association Limited, Union of Employers [2020] QIRC 112 (3 August 2020) | AustLII

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Anjoul v Anjoul (No 4) [2023] NSWSC 142 (27 February 2023) | AustLII

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ENGIE Fire Services Australia Pty Ltd [2017] FWCA 6799 (18 December 2017) | AustLII

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POLICE OFFENCES ACT 1935 - SECT 55A Names and addresses of offenders | AustLII

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Australian Petroleum Agents and Distributors Association - re Alteration to eligibility rules - PR956875 [2005] AIRC 267; (31 March 2005) | AustLII

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INTERPRETATION ACT 1987 - SECT 13 Sovereign and Crown | AustLII

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Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia [2016] FWCA 3158 (20 May 2016) | AustLII

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Regina v Heyne Matter No Cca 60496/97 [1998] NSWSC 429 (18 September 1998) | AustLII

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Mok Gek Bouy v the Minister of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs and Malcolm Paterson [1993] FCA 545; (1993) 47 FCR 1 (15 November 1993) | AustLII

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SZKQA v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2007] FMCA 1612 (18 September 2007) | AustLII

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LIQUOR CONTROL REFORM ACT 1998 - SECT 160 Applications for internal review do not affect operation of reviewable decisions | AustLII

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Dahl & Hamblin [2011] FamCAFC 202; (13 October 2011) | AustLII

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New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Consumer and Commercial Division | AustLII

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Harris v Repatriation Commission [2000] FCA 873 (4 July 2000) | AustLII

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Darren Hose v Trollope, Silverwood & Beck Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) - PR946695 [2004] AIRC 457; (14 May 2004) | AustLII

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SZAQH v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2008] FMCA 128 (27 February 2008) | AustLII

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Potier v Regina [2011] NSWCCA 204 (6 September 2011) | AustLII

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Bills With No Committee Comment [2020] AUSStaCSBSD 172 (16 October 2020) | AustLII

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Sciacca and ors v Langshaw Valuations Pty Limited and ors [2013] NSWSC 1393 (19 September 2013) | AustLII

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Tasmanian Motor Accidents Compensation Tribunal | AustLII

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BANKRUPTCY ACT 1966 - SECT 139A Trustee may apply to Court | AustLII

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SUCCESSION ACT 2006 - SECT 21 Hearing an application for an order | AustLII

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Ingleburn Bus Services Pty Ltd [2022] FWCA 2141 (29 June 2022) | AustLII

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Ansell Ltd v CGU Insurance Ltd [2016] NSWSC 1345 (27 September 2016) | AustLII

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NQM Gold2 Pty Ltd [2013] FWCA 2050 (4 April 2013) | AustLII

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Navara Homes Pty Ltd T/A Premium Scaffold Solutions [2018] FWCA 2753 (16 May 2018) | AustLII

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Decision restricted [2020] NSWSC 268 (19 March 2020) | AustLII

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Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd [2018] FWCA 6297 (10 October 2018) | AustLII

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SZFKI v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2005] FMCA 1963 (19 December 2005) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 886/1996 [1996] AIRC 1269; (11 July 1996) | AustLII

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Editors --- "Some community broadcasters breach sponsorship conditions" [2008] AUCMAsphereNlr 97; (2008) 32 ACMAsphere 5 | AustLII

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Editors --- "Case Notes" [1959] UTasLawRw 7; (1959) 1(2) University of Tasmania Law Review 334 | AustLII

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Australian Colonial Law Monographs | AustLII

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Nitiva v Director of Public Prosecutions & Ors [1999] NSWCA 272 (23 July 1999) | AustLII

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Application by National Tertiary Education Industry Union [2013] FWC 2358 (17 April 2013) | AustLII

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MZYMQ v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2011] FMCA 817 (26 October 2011) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1047/1994 [1994] AIRC 855; (3 June 1994) | AustLII

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Robinson v Wentworth Area Health Service (No 2) [2005] NSWADT 220 (30 September 2005) | AustLII

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Application by "Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union" known as the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) [2013] FWC 8066 (15 October 2013) | AustLII

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Female Living Wage, 22 10 1924, 38s per week [1924] SAIndRp 30; (1924) 7 SAIR 221; Bulletin, No 5 (22 October 1924) | AustLII

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TEACHERS REGISTRATION ACT 2000 - SECT 29 Applications for review | AustLII

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Thompson v Workcover/Vero Workers Compensation (River Transport Pty Ltd) [2005] SAWCT 66 (4 August 2005) | AustLII

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Lawrance & anor v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2002] NSWADT 104 (20 June 2002) | AustLII

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345/97 M Print P1917 [1997] AIRC 540; (13 June 1997) | AustLII

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JUDICIARY ACT 1903 - SECT 23 Decision in case of difference of opinion | AustLII

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R v Heinze; DPP v Heinze [2005] VSCA 124 (19 May 2005) | AustLII

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Menchon [2015] FWCA 8679 (15 December 2015) | AustLII

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Application by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd atf Spirit Super [2021] NSWSC 1672 (17 December 2021) | AustLII

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Legal Issues in Business | AustLII

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Reynolds v Whitten [2008] NSWSC 184 (7 March 2008) | AustLII

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Kritsiotis, Dino --- "A study of the scope and operation of the rights of individual and collective self-defence under international law" [2013] ELECD 824; in White, Nigel; Henderson, Christian (eds)…

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VWZG v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs [2005] FCA 1018 (21 July 2005) | AustLII

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Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into and Report Upon Public Works When Such Works Are Estimated to Cost More Than 20,000 - Baralaba - Castle Creek - Report (Q Pp 1922 v2: 1307-1340) [1922] QldR…

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Hoare v R [1989] HCA 33; (1989) 167 CLR 348 (30 June 1989) | AustLII

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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCA 5333 (3 August 2016) | AustLII

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TEACHING SERVICE ACT 1980 - SECT 15 Determinations and agreements relating to major industrial matters | AustLII

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Radford Electrical Services (Australia) Pty Ltd & Anor v. SPSEL Investments Pty Ltd & Ors [2008] QSC 145 (23 May 2008) | AustLII

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SZJAP v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2006] FMCA 1597 (17 October 2006) | AustLII

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Harley v Rosecrest Asset Pty Ltd t/as Can Do International [2011] FWA 3922 (21 June 2011) | AustLII

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Isothermal Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Pty Ltd [2013] FWCA 4945 (23 July 2013) | AustLII

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Attorney General for New South Wales v Bragg (Final) [2024] NSWSC 316 (27 March 2024) | AustLII

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JUDICIAL REVIEW ACT 1991 - SECT 51 Intervention by Attorney-General | AustLII

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R v Gent [2005] NSWCCA 370; 162 A Crim R 29 (4 November 2005) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 190/1995 [1995] AIRC 2292; (10 November 1995) | AustLII

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Visy PET Pty Ltd T/A Visy Packaging Pty Ltd [2021] FWCA 2034 (14 April 2021) | AustLII

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N99/27246 [2000] RRTA 757 (25 July 2000) | AustLII

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Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal | AustLII

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Baskerville v Skene [2023] QSC 31 (24 February 2023) | AustLII

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Tasmanian Bills | AustLII

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Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal | AustLII

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White v Shortall [2006] NSWSC 1379 (15 December 2006) | AustLII

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Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer v Republic of Lebanon [2018] NSWSC 857 (4 June 2018) | AustLII

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Environment Protection Authority v Patrick Distribution Pty Ltd [2006] NSWLEC 123 (17 March 2006) | AustLII

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Rivat Pty Ltd v B and N Elomar Engineering Pty Ltd [2007] NSWSC 638 (21 June 2007) | AustLII

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Woodbridge Australia Group Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 2034 (1 April 2016) | AustLII

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"Regional harmonization of transport law: EU law and policy" [2019] ELECD 1052; in Bokareva, Olena (ed), "Uniformity of Transport Law through International Regimes" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) 23…

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Attorney-General for the State of Queensland v Fuller [2011] QSC 211 (6 July 2011) | AustLII

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PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 73 Land not to be mortgaged by vendor | AustLII

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McPhee v Zarb & Ors [2002] QCA 530 (6 December 2002) | AustLII

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EVIDENCE ACT 1995 - SECT 20 Comment on failure to give evidence | AustLII

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Tindall v. Lee & Anor [2007] QSC 132 (5 June 2007) | AustLII

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Workcover Authority of New South Wales (Inspector Barry Sutcliffe) v Hal-Lija Company Pty Limited t/as On Two Wheels Motorcycles [2005] NSWCIMC 160 (1 November 2005) | AustLII

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WRONGS ACT 1958 - SECT 32 Abolition of liability in maintenance or champerty | AustLII

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