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Documents related to the legal basis of society.


Showing 100 (501 to 600) of 83,792 results, page 6 of 100.
Jilani v Wilhelm [2005] FCAFC 269 (20 December 2005) | AustLII

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Supreme Court of New South Wales | AustLII

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Tamanna v Zattere; Thakorlal v Zattere; Rabac Pty Ltd v Zattere [2017] NSWSC 1388 (12 October 2017) | AustLII

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Robin Boddington & Ors (Wajarri)/Western Australia/Bacome Pty Ltd [2003] NNTTA 62 (9 April 2003) | AustLII

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LEGAL PRACTITIONERS CONDUCT BOARD v HAY No. SCCIV-00-584 [2001] SASC 322 (27 September 2001) | AustLII

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Baw Baw C19 (PSA) [2003] PPV 13 (10 February 2003) | AustLII

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Barnes v Riley [1913] VicLawRp 3; [1913] VLR 97 (5 February 1913) | AustLII

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VIP Steel Packaging Pty Ltd [2015] FWCA 4884 (17 July 2015) | AustLII

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PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 100 Realisation of equitable charges by the court | AustLII

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R v Gilson (No 3) [2017] NSWSC 1670 (1 December 2017) | AustLII

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N99/26995 [1999] RRTA 578 (4 March 1999) | AustLII

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Palmer v Dunlop Perdriau Rubber Co Ltd [1937] HCA 43; (1937) 59 CLR 30 (20 August 1937) | AustLII

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Nsanzuwera, Francois-Xavier --- "Contribution of the ICTR for Rwandans" [2016] ELECD 1526; in de Brouwer, Anne-Marie; Smeulers, Alette (eds), "The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribun…

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Richard Evans on behalf of the Koara People (WC95/1)/Western Australia/Wingate Resources Pty Ltd [2000] NNTTA 338 (23 October 2000) | AustLII

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NORMAN PETERSON (RESPONDENT) v ADVERTISER NEWSPAPERS LIMITED (APPELLANT) No. SCGRG 93/462 Judgment No. 5018 Number of pages - 56 Defamation - newspapers and printing (1995) 64 SASR 152 [1995] SASC 54…

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 2287/1995 [1995] AIRC 2097; (13 October 1995) | AustLII

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Mason, The Hon Sir Anthony --- "Introduction" [2018] ELECD 1677; in Stellios, James (ed), "Encounters with Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Education: Essays in Honour of Michael Coper" (The F…

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Browne, Terry --- "Voodoo, vampires and domestic violence made for a mission with a difference" [1995] AUFPPlatypus 16; (1995) 47 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 5 | AustLII

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Luisa Bruzzese v Lalor Plaza Pharmacy - S8190 [2000] AIRC 69; (18 July 2000) | AustLII

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Skafcorp v Jarol [2002] NSWSC 1183 (17 December 2002) | AustLII

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INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION RULES 1996 - REG 237 Motion or proceedings by the Registrar | AustLII

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Andrew Zelinka v Woolworths Group Ltd [2022] FWC 1393 (3 June 2022) | AustLII

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Cameron v R [2002] HCA 6; 209 CLR 339; 187 ALR 65; 76 ALJR 382 (14 February 2002) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1476/1994 [1994] AIRC 1365; (6 September 1994) | AustLII

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Ebsworth, William, In the Estate of [1878] VicLawRp 178; (1878) 4 VLR (I) 48 (3 October 1878) | AustLII

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EXPLOSIVES ACT 1999 - As at 1 March 2023 - Act 15 of 1999 | AustLII

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Epstein v WorkCover/Mercantile Mutual Insurance (Naracoorte Football Club Inc) [2002] SAWCT 81 (26 August 2002) | AustLII

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Salman v Holroyd City Council [2006] NSWLEC 354 (16 June 2006) | AustLII

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Cubit, Ross Donald (2011 TASCD 212) [2011] TasCorC 35 (22 June 2011) | AustLII

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Childs, Kevin --- "United we stand" [2000] LawIJV 244; (2000) 74(7) The Law Institute Journal 10 | AustLII

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Mehran Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Djamshidi Unit Trust v Queensland Building Services Authority [2011] QCAT 420 (5 September 2011) | AustLII

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Frutos-Peterson, Claudia; Umerov, Marat --- "General Functions of the Secretariat" [2019] ELECD 3032; in Fouret, Julien; Gerbay, Remy; Alvarez, M. Gloria (eds), "The ICSID Convention, Regulations and…

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Vella & Ors v. Commissioner of Police (NSW) & Anor [2019] HCAASP 22 (6 August 2019) | AustLII

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R -v- DUNN [No 9] [2014] WASC 61 (28 February 2014) | AustLII

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Arrow Taxi Services Limited 02 [2007] ATP 11 (28 May 2007) | AustLII

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Editors --- "New Radar" [1988] AUFPPlatypus 35; (1988) 21 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 11 | AustLII

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BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (SECURITY OF PAYMENT) ACT 2009 - SECT 27 Filing of adjudication certificate as judgment debt | AustLII

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Sheikholeslami v University of New South Wales (No.2) [2007] FMCA 2020 (23 November 2007) | AustLII

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Noonan v MSA Construction - PR951642 [2004] AIRC 878; (3 September 2004) | AustLII

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Brown, Callum G. --- "Secularisation and law in modern societies" [2019] ELECD 2573; in Sandberg, Russell; Doe, Norman; Kane, Bronach; Roberts, Caroline (eds), "Research Handbook on Interdisciplinary…

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Secretary, NSW Department of Education v The Australian Education Union New South Wales Teachers Federation (NSWTF) Branch [2021] NSWSC 1628 (3 December 2021) | AustLII

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Benjamin Hatch v WesTrac Pty Ltd [2020] FWC 6579 (7 December 2020) | AustLII

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ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1901 - SECT 19 References to Ministers in Acts | AustLII

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WORKPLACE RELATIONS ACT 1996 - SECT 56 Termination of appointment | AustLII

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Heard v Faris [1895] VicLawRp 39; (1895) 21 VLR 354 (8 August 1895) | AustLII

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Central Goldfields C12 (PSA) [2007] PPV 63 (8 August 2007) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1174/1992 [1992] AIRC 1152; (26 October 1992) | AustLII

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Sharp v Conroy [2020] NSWSC 271 (13 March 2020) | AustLII

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N99/28082 [2000] RRTA 973 (17 October 2000) | AustLII

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Schleter Bros, William Noolan, Christopher John White, Ellis Lingford Norman, Thomas James Vause, Bowd and Kilsby, George Walter Mauser, Ralph Howard and William Bernard Altschwager and Australian Wo…

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Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia [2016] FWCA 4345 (1 July 2016) | AustLII

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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 1989 - SECT 47 Internal review | AustLII

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Editors --- "Australian Crime Prevention Council Constitution" [1978] AUCrimPCF 28; (1978) 1(2) Australian Crime Prevention Council Forum 45 | AustLII

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Russo & Ors v Russo & Ors (No. 3) [2015] NSWSC 1849 (3 December 2015) | AustLII

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SZOCT v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2010] FMCA 425 (18 August 2010) | AustLII

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Varley v Varley [2007] NSWSC 125 (21 February 2007) | AustLII

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Visy Packaging Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 1146 (22 February 2016) | AustLII

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Donna Keenan v Department of Human Services [2020] FWC 821 (6 April 2020) | AustLII

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Editors --- "Changes to the code on life-threatening and unwelcome calls" [2006] AUCMAsphereNlr 198; (2006) 13 ACMAsphere 6 | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 381/1993 [1993] AIRC 292; (26 March 1993) | AustLII

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Kieselbach v Amity Group Pty Ltd - PR973864 [2006] AIRC 635; (9 October 2006) | AustLII

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Ambrey v Oswin [2005] QCA 112 (15 April 2005) | AustLII

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CFMEU v Able Demolitions & Excavations Pty Ltd [2001] FCA 1748 (6 December 2001) | AustLII

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SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1966 - SECT 53 Making false reports to police etc. | AustLII

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Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Authorisation Requirements for Testing GEMS Products) Instrument 2013 [2013] AUEPI 23 (17 July 2013) | AustLII

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R v Fairman [1996] QCA 201 (24 May 1996) | AustLII

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SZEDQ v Minister for Immigration [2005] FMCA 129 (17 February 2005) | AustLII

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DUTIES ACT 2000 - SECT 89E Duty concession—anomalous duty outcome | AustLII

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The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA) T/A Professionals Australia [2024] FWCA 2361 (25 June 2024) | AustLII

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Export Control Amendment (Streamlining Administrative Processes) Bill 2022 - Commentary on ministerial responses [2023] AUSStaCSBSD 67 (30 March 2023) | AustLII

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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1049/1989 [1989] AIRC 1001; (20 December 1989) | AustLII

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In the Application of Her Majesty's Attorney General in and for the State of New South Wales under s 32 of the Evidence on Commission Act 1995 (NSW); In the matter of a request from the Didim 1st Civ…

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Madsen v Darmali [2024] NSWSC 1147 (6 September 2024) | AustLII

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THERAPEUTIC GOODS ACT 1989 - SECT 42DF Approval of use of restricted representation | AustLII

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MZYZA v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2013] FMCA 15 (24 January 2013) | AustLII

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Sandhurst Trustees Limited v Dabboussi [2022] NSWSC 754 (6 June 2022) | AustLII

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Taylor v Gould & Ors (No 2) [2011] QSC 248 (19 August 2011) | AustLII

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R v D [1999] VSCA 148 (23 September 1999) | AustLII

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Sportsbet Pty Ltd v New South Wales [2012] HCA 13 (30 March 2012) | AustLII

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N99/26315 [1999] RRTA 1865 (7 October 1999) | AustLII

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Application by Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWC 5091 (27 July 2016) | AustLII

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Quinn, Nelson --- "Improving Environmental Biosecurity?" [2017] AUJlEnvLaw 4; (2017) 4 Australian Journal of Environmental Law 70 | AustLII

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Cock & Anor v Hughes & Ors [2001] WASC 24 (5 February 2001) | AustLII

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Fesl v Queensland (with Corrigendum dated 29 July 2005) [2005] FCA 120 (22 February 2005) | AustLII

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Whittlesea C187 Part A Report (PSA) [2016] PPV 35 (1 April 2016) | AustLII

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ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 2007 - SECT 37 Disclosure to offspring | AustLII

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Hicks v R [1920] HCA 26; (1920) 28 CLR 36 (27 April 1920) | AustLII

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YOUTH JUSTICE ACT 1992 - SECT 5 Note in text | AustLII

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IEX [2014] VMHT 39 (19 September 2014) | AustLII

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Emmett, J. and Emmett, B.J. [1982] FamCA 14; (1982) FLC 91-212; (1982) 60 FLR 412; (1982) 8 FamLR 109 (11 March 1982) | AustLII

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A Top Class Turf Pty Ltd v Parfitt [2018] QCA 127 (19 June 2018) | AustLII

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Sean Mason v Movies 4U [1999] QIRComm 21; 160 QGIG 104 (27 January 1999) | AustLII

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Cockburn v Workers' Compensation Regulator [2018] QIRC 60 (15 May 2018) | AustLII

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