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Showing 100 (3,701 to 3,800) of 83,797 results, page 38 of 100.Daniela Guerzoni v Repellin Pty Ltd t/a Koots - PR9082178 [2001] AIRC 863; (28 August 2001) | AustLII
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Crown land financial concessions Policy [2019] NSWEPIP 1 (2 May 2019) | AustLII
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Editors --- "Dirty Sexy Money - the Wickenby net widens" [2008] AUFPPlatypus 16; (2008) 99 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 14 | AustLII
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McCulloch v Calvary Health Care Adelaide [2015] FWCFB 873 (5 March 2015) | AustLII
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Olex Australia Pty Ltd [2015] FWCA 8783 (21 December 2015) | AustLII
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Chapman v Luminis Pty Ltd (includes corrigendum dated 13 November 2001) [2001] FCA 1580 (8 November 2001) | AustLII
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Rahme v Benjamin & Khoury Pty Ltd [2019] NSWCA 211 (30 August 2019) | AustLII
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South Australian Workers Compensation Tribunal | AustLII
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In the matter of Zoe Corporation Pty Limited [2020] NSWSC 1431 (25 September 2020) | AustLII
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Karapapa, Stavroula --- "Exhaustion of rights on digital content under EU copyright: positive and normative perspectives" [2020] ELECD 30; in Aplin, Tanya (ed), "Research Handbook on Intellectual Pro…
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Morgan v Norton [2018] NSWSC 434 (10 April 2018) | AustLII
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De Silva v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural Affairs [2000] FCA 765 (9 June 2000) | AustLII
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Kim v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2011] FMCA 780 (7 October 2011) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 357/1996 [1996] AIRC 343; (3 April 1996) | AustLII
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MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT 1992 - SECT 19 Appeal from inquiry decision to be by way of rehearing | AustLII
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Hetherington v Mirvac Pty Ltd and 3 Ors [1999] NSWSC 515 (31 May 1999) | AustLII
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Marshall v Public Trustee [2006] NSWSC 402 (8 May 2006) | AustLII
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Statewide Secured Investments Pty Ltd v Hillington Valley Pty Ltd; Statewide Secured Investments Pty Ltd v Hillington Valley Pty Ltd [2015] NSWSC 681 (2 June 2015) | AustLII
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SYWB v Refugee Review Tribunal & Anor [2005] FMCA 1003 (28 June 2005) | AustLII
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WORKPLACE RELATIONS ACT 1996 - SECT 500 Application of Division | AustLII
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MSS Security Pty Ltd [2018] FWCA 3781 (6 July 2018) | AustLII
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VCAH v Minister for Immigration [2003] FMCA 106 (31 March 2003) | AustLII
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Moone v Boston Scientific Pty Ltd [2024] NSWSC 1475 (21 November 2024) | AustLII
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Safegate Australia Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 1945 (31 March 2016) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1246/1994 [1994] AIRC 1042; (11 July 1994) | AustLII
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Williams, George --- "Human Rights and the Tasmanian Dam Case" [2017] ELECD 30; in Coper, Michael; Roberts, Heather; Stellios, James (eds), "The Tasmanian Dam Case 30 years On: An Enduring Legacy" (T…
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ESTATE AGENTS ACT 1980 - SECT 48B Rebates must be factored into costs of expenses | AustLII
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Application by National Union of Workers [2013] FWC 640 (29 January 2013) | AustLII
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James, Simon --- "Behavioural economics and the risks of tax administration" [2012] eJlTaxR 17; (2012) 10(2) eJournal of Tax Research 345 | AustLII
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WATER ACT 2000 - SECT 211 Amending operations licences on application of licensee | AustLII
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Paliflex Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue (NSW) [2003] HCA 65; 219 CLR 325; 202 ALR 376; 78 ALJR 87 (12 November 2003) | AustLII
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N99/26435 [1999] RRTA 1537 (31 May 1999) | AustLII
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R v Aird; Ex parte Australian Workers' Union [1973] HCA 53; (1973) 129 CLR 654 (9 November 1973) | AustLII
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Annual Report 2013-2014 [2016] AUPJCHRARp 1 (3 May 2016) | AustLII
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NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 - SECT 232D Category C intermediate period act | AustLII
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Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union - Chemical Industry (Aluminates (Tas.) Pty Ltd) Award 2002 [Transitional] [2005] AIRCAwd 30 (4 July 2005) | AustLII
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Migrant Health Service [2017] SAET 161 (1 December 2017) | AustLII
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Hunt Club Commercial Pty Ltd v Casey CC [2013] VCAT 726 (21 May 2013) | AustLII
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Zabaneh, C.M. and Zabaneh, J. [1986] FamCA 18; (1986) FLC 91-766; (1986) 11 FamLR 167 (23 July 1986) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 745/1991 [1991] AIRC 696; (5 August 1991) | AustLII
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Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - Inquiry into death of Yarrie, B D (A Pp 1991 no 28) [1991] QldRoyalC 19 (13 March 1991) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 81/1988 [1988] AIRC 81; (10 February 1988) | AustLII
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Wilson, Valerie Rawlston --- "Intellectual property as an essential 21st century business asset" [2015] ELECD 275; in Mtima, Lateef (ed), "Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship and Social Justice" …
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SZAXY v Minister for Immigration [2004] FMCA 743 (18 October 2004) | AustLII
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Baird v The King [1902] VicLawRp 76; (1902) 28 VLR 291 (10 September 1902) | AustLII
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R v White [2000] WASCA 118 (8 October 1999) | AustLII
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Application by Australian Workers' Union, The [2016] FWC 8161 (15 November 2016) | AustLII
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K & A Laird (N.S.W.) Pty Ltd (in liq) v Aidzan Pty Ltd (in liq) in its own capacity and in its capacity as trustee of the Peter Laird Trust, the Peter Alan Laird Property Trust (known as the PAL Prop…
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Dunn, Marty Heath v Mee Youn Kim [2023] NSWSC 499 (12 May 2023) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1307/1990 [1990] AIRC 1252; (7 November 1990) | AustLII
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McMahon Services Australia Pty Ltd v return to Work Corporation of South Australia & Paschalis [2019] SAET 199 (26 September 2019) | AustLII
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Marvel & Marvel (No. 2) [2010] FamCAFC 101; (11 June 2010) | AustLII
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Mitchell Water Australia Pty Ltd [2023] FWCA 2563 (15 August 2023) | AustLII
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Multicultural Aged Care Services Geelong Inc [2013] FWCA 7388 (25 September 2013) | AustLII
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R v Fisher [2002] NSWCCA 188 (14 May 2002) | AustLII
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R v Martin and Cushman [1999] NSWSC 1048 (14 September 1999) | AustLII
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PUBLIC TRUSTEE ACT 1978 - SECT 134 Public trustee may take opinion of court on question arising in course of duties | AustLII
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ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal ( Parliament) --- "Draft Variation No. 363 - Curtin Group Centre and Adjacent Residential Areas: Zone Changes and Amendments …
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Sierakowski & Anor v Wright & Ors [2005] WADC 108 (4 May 2005) | AustLII
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Henley v State of Qld [2002] QCA 510 (22 November 2002) | AustLII
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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCA 5538 (10 August 2016) | AustLII
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JURISDICTION OF COURTS (CROSS-VESTING) ACT 1987 - SECT 5 Transfer of proceedings | AustLII
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MZWFI & Anor v Minister for Immigration [2005] FMCA 320 (16 March 2005) | AustLII
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In the matter of Streetscape Projects (Australia) Pty Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) ACN 083 073 518 [2013] NSWSC 355 (6 March 2013) | AustLII
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Bavulo Pty Limited v Zhang Property Pty Limited [2024] NSWSC 879 (19 July 2024) | AustLII
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Murdoch University [2017] FWCA 4472 (29 August 2017) | AustLII
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SZFTD v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2007] FMCA 1930 (6 December 2007) | AustLII
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Re Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia v Nestle Australia Limited [1986] FCA 368 (5 November 1986) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1271/1992 [1992] AIRC 1218; (9 November 1992) | AustLII
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Committee of Inquiry to Investigate Claims by Mr J Braund to Have Cured, or to Be Able to Cure Cancer - Report (NSW Pp 1947/48 (v1 jvp) 885-920) [1948] NSWBCPubInq 1 (3 April 1948) | AustLII
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Editors --- "Coordinated partnerships at Canberra airport" [2007] AUFPPlatypus 40; (2007) 96 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 16 | AustLII
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In the matter of Rose, a bankrupt; Whitton v Regis Towers Real Estate Pty Ltd (In administration) (No 2) [2006] FCA 1734 (23 November 2006) | AustLII
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Suncorp Metway Advances Corporation Pty Ltd v D. J. Keable [2010] FMCA 334 (11 May 2010) | AustLII
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FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA ACT 1976 - SECT 37P Power of the Court to give directions about practice and procedure in a civil proceeding | AustLII
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SZLOE & Anor v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2008] FMCA 515 (21 April 2008) | AustLII
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CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT 2005 - SECT 55 Protection from liability for arbitrator | AustLII
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Belan v Casey [2003] NSWSC 159 (2 May 2003) | AustLII
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PERIODIC DETENTION OF PRISONERS ACT 1981 - SECT 25 Cancellation of orders for periodic detention otherwise than on subsequent conviction | AustLII
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Ovato Retail Distribution Pty Ltd [2021] FWCA 6854 (29 November 2021) | AustLII
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Another, Syme And, Ex Parte Worthington, In re [1902] VicLawRp 105; (1902) 28 VLR 552 (7 December 1902) | AustLII
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Victorian COVID-19 Public Health Directions | AustLII
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Miller v State of Queensland (Department of Education) [2022] QIRC 316 (12 August 2022) | AustLII
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Jiminez v R [1992] HCA 14; (1992) 173 CLR 572 (6 May 1992) | AustLII
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Storage Services Steel Distributing Award 1996 - re award simplification - T2688 [2000] AIRC 493; (27 October 2000) | AustLII
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"Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union" known as the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) v Third Zeton Pty Ltd T/A Tieman Tankers [2022] FWC 2204 (19…
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WILLS ACT 2008 - Act 58 of 2008 - Royal Assent 16 December 2008 | AustLII
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IT and Department of the Environment [2016] AICmr 38 (20 June 2016) | AustLII
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PIMLEY -v- FREMANTLE SAILING CLUB INC [2019] WADC 156 (20 November 2019) | AustLII
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Inghams Enterprises Pty Limited v Vojnikovich [2014] NSWSC 1519 (4 November 2014) | AustLII
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re: Aust. Builders' Corp P/L & Turner [1996] QSC 262 (19 December 1996) | AustLII
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LAND TAX MANAGEMENT ACT 1956 - SECT 9BA Colliery holdings | AustLII
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Nolan, Justine --- "Editorial" [2007] HRightsDef 11; (2007) 16(2) Human Rights Defender 1 | AustLII
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FAIR WORK ACT 2009 - SECT 344 Undue influence or pressure | AustLII
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Attorney General for New South Wales v Bragg (Final) [2021] NSWSC 1054 (25 August 2021) | AustLII
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