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Showing 100 (3,301 to 3,400) of 83,797 results, page 34 of 100.PILBARA PORT ASSETS (DISPOSAL) BILL 2015 | AustLII
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AustLII - Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal - Recent additions
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1600/1994 [1994] AIRC 1390; (9 September 1994) | AustLII
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Ramsay Health Care Australia Pty Limited v Adrian Compton [2015] NSWSC 163 (6 March 2015) | AustLII
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Visy Paper Pty Ltd [2015] FWCA 3650 (29 May 2015) | AustLII
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Wilkinson, Jacqui --- "Urban Indigenous Housing Issues in Redfern" [2005] IndigLawB 45; (2005) 6(13) Indigenous Law Bulletin 14 | AustLII
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EVIDENCE AMENDMENT ACT 2007 - SECT 4 Amendment of other Acts | AustLII
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EVQ [2015] VMHT 181 (20 October 2015) | AustLII
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Australian Motor Homes Pty Limited v Maria's farm Veggies Pty Limited (Costs) [2018] NSWSC 430 (11 April 2018) | AustLII
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R v White [1997] QCA 415 (21 November 1997) | AustLII
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GREENHOUSE AND ENERGY MINIMUM STANDARDS ACT 2012 - SECT 32 GEMS determinations--not to give preference | AustLII
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Frank Sampi & Others on behalf of the Koongie-Elvire Native Title Claim Group v Oceania Mining Resources Pty Ltd and Another [2019] NNTTA 55 (30 July 2019) | AustLII
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Harrington v Browne [1917] HCA 36; (1917) 23 CLR 297 (11 August 1917) | AustLII
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MDP Construction & Engineering Pty Ltd [2014] FWCA 6836 (30 September 2014) | AustLII
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Workcover Authority of New South Wales (Inspector Brian Dell) v Gunnedah Shire Council [2005] NSWCIMC 167 (14 November 2005) | AustLII
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CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 - SECT 66W Certificates | AustLII
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Friends of Stradbroke Is Assoc Inc & Anor v Sandunes P/L & Anor [1998] QCA 374 (17 November 1998) | AustLII
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DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS ACT 1986 - As at 19 October 2022 - Act 207 of 1986 | AustLII
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Peel v Knox City Council [2021] VBAB 166; (12 November 2021) | AustLII
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POLICE SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ACT 1990 - SECT 6.4 Officer relieved of powers and duties while stood down or suspended | AustLII
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Alliance Airlines Pty Limited [2022] FWC 2284 (26 August 2022) | AustLII
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S. Bahonko v Southern Health Care Network - 1520/98 M Print R0128 [1998] AIRC 492; (17 April 1998) | AustLII
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Walshe v Department of State Development [2018] SAET 156 (21 September 2018) | AustLII
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Northern Industries Pty Ltd [2015] FWCA 1027 (13 February 2015) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1970/1994 [1994] AIRC 1879; (11 November 1994) | AustLII
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Midway Limited [2014] FWCA 8060 (13 November 2014) | AustLII
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NATIVE TITLE (NEW SOUTH WALES) ACT 1994 - SECT 8 Validation of past acts attributable to the State | AustLII
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TEC Desert Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2010] HCA 49 (15 December 2010) | AustLII
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Gennusa, Maria Elena --- "Promoting equality by non-judicial actors: The role of equality bodies in the European Union landscape" [2018] ELECD 897; in Violini, Lorenza; Baraggia, Antonia (eds), "The …
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State Rail Authority of New South Wales v Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union re Railways Traffic, Permanent Way and Signalling Wages Staff Award 1960 - PR920598 [2002] AIRC 871; (26 July 20…
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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 1982 - SECT 25 Deletion of exempt matter or irrelevant material | AustLII
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KINGDOM -v- LAVAN LEGAL [2012] WASC 387 (19 October 2012) | AustLII
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Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union v Conroy's Smallgoods Pty Ltd [2021] SAET 234 (29 November 2021) | AustLII
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Nolan v Clifford [1904] HCA 15; (1904) 1 CLR 429 (29 June 1904) | AustLII
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WATER ACT 1989 - SECT 27 Declaration of water supply protection area | AustLII
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The Owners �e" Strata Plan No 90018 v Parkview Constructions Pty Ltd [2022] NSWSC 1123 (24 August 2022) | AustLII
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GAMING MACHINES ACT 2001 - SECT 34 Application to increase gaming machine threshold | AustLII
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In the matter of Centro Retail Limited and Centro MCS Manager Limited in its capacity as Responsible Entity of Centro Retail Trust [2011] NSWSC 1175 (5 October 2011) | AustLII
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R v Barker Jarrod [2013] NSWSC 1934 (19 December 2013) | AustLII
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Buhler, Finn Ruben Leo (2021 TASCD 20) [2021] TasCorC 1 (22 January 2021) | AustLII
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"Contributors" [2004] ELECD 80; in Sjögren, Hans; Skogh, Göran (eds), "New Perspectives on Economic Crime" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004) | AustLII
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I T Moffatt v KTMA Sports Clinic Pty Ltd - PR906076 [2001] AIRC 667; (4 July 2001) | AustLII
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Bunney v Department of Education and Children's Services [2005] SAWCT 35 (23 May 2005) | AustLII
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Taylor, Chris; Donoghue, Jed --- "The Greenway social housing estate: lessons in community development" [2016] ComJlLocGov 10; (2016) 19 Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance 157 | AustLII
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SZKHD v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2008] FCA 112 (19 February 2008) | AustLII
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Broken Hill Commerce and Industry Consent Award. Application by the Barrier Industrial Council for a new award [2009] NSWIRComm 1095 (11 December 2009) | AustLII
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Haughton v Hockings [1899] VicLawRp 54; (1899) 24 VLR 907 (28 April 1899) | AustLII
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Edward Moses Obeid Snr v David Andrew Ipp (Costs) [2020] NSWSC 1329 (29 September 2020) | AustLII
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Gotham v Ambrosino [1990] NSWLEC 148 (5 December 1990) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 238/1996 [1996] AIRC 1149; (28 June 1996) | AustLII
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Rahmatian, Andreas --- "A fundamental critique of the law-and-economics analysis of intellectual property rights*" [2013] ELECD 1301; in Dinwoodie, B. Graeme (ed), "Methods and Perspectives in Intell…
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 417/1988 [1988] AIRC 427; (17 June 1988) | AustLII
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The Chief Executive DTFTWID v Pinakbet Pty Ltd T/A Wonder Land Marketing & Bennett, L. [2006] QCCTPAMD 56 (20 September 2006) | AustLII
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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCA 5486 (9 August 2016) | AustLII
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G Cook v Youth Hostels Association of the Northern Territory Inc. - PR908177 [2001] AIRC 864; (28 August 2001) | AustLII
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Bennett v Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Customs Service [2004] FCAFC 237 (25 August 2004) | AustLII
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Stoeckel, Kate --- "Case Note - Western Australia v Ward & Ors" [2003] SydLawRw 12; (2003) 25(2) Sydney Law Review 255 | AustLII
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"Index" [2019] ELECD 1581; in Pereira, G. Eduardo; Bjornebye, Henrik (eds), "Regulating Offshore Petroleum Resources" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) 257 | AustLII
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Ryan v Ross [1916] HCA 43; (1916) 22 CLR 1 (1 August 1916) | AustLII
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"Contributors" [2011] ELECD 608; in Gray, Joanna; Akseli, Orkun (eds), "Financial Regulation in Crisis?" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011) | AustLII
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South Australian Planning Appeal Tribunal | AustLII
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Mis 339/85 MD Print F9756 [1985] AIRC 249; (5 August 1985) | AustLII
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Tasmanian Boards and Commissions of Public Inquiry | AustLII
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Kehoe v Williams [2008] FMCA 1371 (3 October 2008) | AustLII
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Rogers v Kabriel (No 2) [1999] NSWSC 474 (14 May 1999) | AustLII
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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Pilkington (Australia) Operations Limited, Victorian State Operations Business Unit - PR966071 [2005] AIRC 1058; (14 December 2005) | AustLII
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SZLVG v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2009] FMCA 811 (10 August 2009) | AustLII
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Vaughan & Bele [2011] FamCA 436 (9 June 2011) | AustLII
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Torlonia v Wright (No 2) [2017] NSWSC 951 (17 July 2017) | AustLII
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In the matter of Lift Capital Partners Pty Ltd (admins apptd) [2008] NSWSC 446 (6 May 2008) | AustLII
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Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch [2019] FWCA 1037 (18 February 2019) | AustLII
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Sportsbet Pty Ltd v New South Wales [2012] HCA 13 (30 March 2012) | AustLII
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Chrapot Investments v Knox CC [1984] VicPABRp 43; (1998) 2 PABR 337 (5 November 1984) | AustLII
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MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 92 Operation of Subdivision | AustLII
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Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union v Bradmill Textiles Pty Ltd re Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998 - PR945211 [2004] AIRC 294; (30 Mar…
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 661/1989 [1989] AIRC 634; (11 September 1989) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 817/1995 [1995] AIRC 577; (7 April 1995) | AustLII
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RIVERS v RIVERS No. SCCIV-99-206 [2002] SASC 197 (19 June 2002) | AustLII
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De Iacovo v Lacanale De Iacovo v Psaila De Iacovo v De Marco [1957] VicRp 78; [1957] VR 553 (18 June 1957) | AustLII
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Short, Hugh, In the Will of [1881] VicLawRp 14; (1881) 7 VLR (I) 25 (14 March 1881) | AustLII
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GrainCorp Limited, in the matter of GrainCorp Limited [2008] FCA 996 (19 June 2008) | AustLII
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Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union [2016] FWCA 1732 (21 March 2016) | AustLII
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Dixson Trust Ltd v Beard Watson Ltd [1915] HCA 22; (1915) 19 CLR 499 (31 March 1915) | AustLII
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Spiteri v Commonwealth of Australia [2003] NSWSC 391 (9 May 2003) | AustLII
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R v. MBM [2011] QCA 100 (17 May 2011) | AustLII
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VNU [2015] VMHT 75 (15 May 2015) | AustLII
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RILEY v THE OWNERS CORPORATION UNITS PLAN 706 (Unit Titles) [2018] ACAT 99 (17 October 2018) | AustLII
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In the matter of Beverage Freight Services Pty Ltd [2021] NSWSC 154 (26 February 2021) | AustLII
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Mendez v Telstra Corporation Limited Matter No Ca 40223/97 [1998] NSWSC 504 (22 October 1998) | AustLII
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Banyule C59(PSA) [2011] PPV 23 (11 March 2011) | AustLII
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Kappen, Tiffany --- "Theories and Risk of Criminal Victimization" [2018] AUCrimPCNlr 18; (2018) Australian Crime Prevention Council Newsletter 32 | AustLII
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NAJP v Minister for Immigration [2002] FMCA 216 (19 September 2002) | AustLII
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FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2009 - SECT 53 Corporation sole of The Treasurer of Queensland | AustLII
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Department of Corrective Services Correctional Employees' Interim Award- State [2002] QIRComm 216; 172 QGIG 58 (30 September 2002) | AustLII
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Gimbells Landscaping Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 4928 (25 July 2016) | AustLII
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SZGLC v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2008] FMCA 650 (9 May 2008) | AustLII
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