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Showing 100 (501 to 600) of 75,837 results, page 6 of 100.Kentlee P/L v Prince Consort P/L [1996] QCA 87 (2 April 1996) | AustLII
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Ais International Pty Ltd (In Liq) v Jones; Utx Foods Corporation Ltd (In Liq) v Ngan [2002] NSWSC 592 (11 July 2002) | AustLII
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Law Reports (New South Wales) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1359/1992 [1992] AIRC 1326; (27 November 1992) | AustLII
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The Attorney-General for the State of Queensland v. Waghorn [2010] QSC 183 (27 May 2010) | AustLII
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Lesvos Pty Limited and anor v Penrith Whitewater Stadium Limited and anor [2007] NSWSC 335 (12 April 2007) | AustLII
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Hoffman v Chief of Army [2004] FCAFC 148 (31 May 2004) | AustLII
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R v Abdollahi (No 8) [2013] NSWSC 481 (19 March 2013) | AustLII
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Application by The Australian Workers' Union [2013] FWC 4632 (12 July 2013) | AustLII
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LEGISLATION ACT 2001 - SECT 140 Legislative context | AustLII
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Coeclerici Asia (Pte) Ltd v Gujarat NRE Coke Limited (No 2) [2015] FCA 809 (7 August 2015) | AustLII
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New South Wales Bills Standing in Type | AustLII
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Macrobertson Miller Airline Services v Commissioner of State Taxation (WA) [1975] HCA 55; (1975) 133 CLR 125 (10 December 1975) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1115/1994 [1994] AIRC 931; (17 June 1994) | AustLII
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Idameneo (No 789) Limited v Christopher Brownlow Idameneo (No 789) Limited v Carol Davenport [2014] NSWSC 1742 (1 December 2014) | AustLII
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SBTF v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2007] FMCA 1142 (8 August 2007) | AustLII
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SZDWZ v Minister for Immigration [2005] FMCA 594 (4 May 2005) | AustLII
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Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia, The v Mount Arthur Coal Pty Ltd [2016] FWC 1744 (18 March 2016) | AustLII
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Austeck Pty Ltd v Charalambos Atsalos [2003] NSWIRComm 290 (12 September 2003) | AustLII
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Antoun v The Queen [2005] HCATrans 823 (6 October 2005) | AustLII
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Honkala, Nora --- "The rights of women seeking asylum: procedural and evidential barriers to protection" [2019] ELECD 2044; in Juss, Singh Satvinder (ed), "Research Handbook on International Refugee …
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Kennedy Health Care Group Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 3348 (25 May 2016) | AustLII
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Kronen v Commercial Motor Industries Pty Ltd (t/as CMI Toyota) [2014] SAIRC 44 (17 December 2014) | AustLII
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Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title | AustLII
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Golden v V'Landys & Ors [2020] HCASL 205 (14 October 2020) | AustLII
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Hunter Readymixed Concrete Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 6526 (12 September 2016) | AustLII
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Johnston & Anor v Herrod & Ors [2012] QSC 98 (18 April 2012) | AustLII
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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 780/1990 [1990] AIRC 755; (27 July 1990) | AustLII
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ALLAN CRAIG GIBSON v. BOSMAC PTY LTD [1995] IRCA 222 (5 May 1995) | AustLII
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MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2007 - SECT 47 Leave of absence on compassionate grounds, medical grounds or other grounds | AustLII
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WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT 1987 - SECT 9A No compensation payable unless employment substantial contributing factor to injury | AustLII
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Re Director-General of Social Services v Jeanette Shirley Hales [1983] FCA 81; (1983) 78 FLR 373 (5 May 1983) | AustLII
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Lee v Abedian & Ors [2016] QSC 92 (28 April 2016) | AustLII
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Enermech Pty Limited [2024] FWC 2300 (28 August 2024) | AustLII
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Westpac Banking Corporation v ZH International Pty Ltd (No. 2) [2015] NSWSC 679 (2 June 2015) | AustLII
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Skyring v Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd [1995] QCA 376 (7 August 1995) | AustLII
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PAYROLL TAX ACT 2007 - SECT 58 Local government bodies | AustLII
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WAHZ v Minister for Immigration [2002] FMCA 264 (8 November 2002) | AustLII
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Ventia Pty Ltd [2019] FWCA 1288 (28 February 2019) | AustLII
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Investment Licencing Pty Ltd v Base Metals Exploration NL [2001] QSC 315 (29 August 2001) | AustLII
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Hurlock & Ors v The Council of the Shire of Johnstone & Anor [2002] QCA 256 (26 July 2002) | AustLII
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Construction, Foresty, Mining and Energy Union - re Appeal - PR963297 [2005] AIRC 840; (30 September 2005) | AustLII
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Australian Takeovers Panel | AustLII
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DPP v Campbell & Ors (Ruling No 1) [2013] VSC 665 (25 October 2013) | AustLII
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COMMUNITY SERVICES (COMPLAINTS, REVIEWS AND MONITORING) ACT 1993 - SECT 28 Applications to Tribunal for administrative reviews of decisions | AustLII
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DUTIES ACT 1997 - SECT 50 Cancelled agreements | AustLII
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Re Gavin Roy Mcauliffe v Secretary, Department of Social Security [1991] FCA 268; 13 Aar 462 23 ALD 284 (21 June 1991) | AustLII
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Peabody (Wilkie Creek) Pty Ltd [2017] FWCA 5919 (10 November 2017) | AustLII
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Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCA 6151 (31 August 2016) | AustLII
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N97/20331 [1998] RRTA 3651 (30 July 1998) | AustLII
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Chrysostomou, Chrys v Autohaus Classic BMW t/as Trivett Classic Pty Ltd [2007] AIRCSum 473 (8 June 2007) | AustLII
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Dorothy Bandy & Others on behalf of the Badima People (WC96/98)/Western Australia/Sed-Mak Pty Ltd [2000] NNTTA 68 (21 February 2000) | AustLII
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Australian Retirement Communities Pty Ltd v Eltham SC, Cuthhertson & Ors [1988] VicAATRp 30; (1988) 1 AATR 305 (24 August 1988) | AustLII
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Seven Eleven Stores Pty Ltd v. Pine Rivers Shire Council [2005] QPEC 70 (12 June 2005) | AustLII
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Mems 56 Pty Ltd T/A Mems 56 Pty Ltd [2020] FWCA 1703 (30 March 2020) | AustLII
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ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1901 - SECT 16 References to the Sovereign | AustLII
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Calboli, Irene --- "The (avoidable) effects of territorially different approaches to trademark and copyright exhaustion" [2014] ELECD 105; in Calboli, Irene; Lee, Edward (eds), "Trademark Protection …
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SZAFE & Anor v Minister for Immigration [2003] FMCA 410 (3 October 2003) | AustLII
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CPSU, Community and Public Sector Union v Telstra Corporation Limited [2000] FCA 844 (23 June 2000) | AustLII
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Cooper & Ors v Westpac General Insurance Limited [2007] ACTCA 20 (14 September 2007) | AustLII
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Bald Hills Windfarm (EES) [2004] PPV 73 (24 June 2004) | AustLII
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Abdulrahim v QBE Management Services Pty Limited [2016] FWC 2985 (12 May 2016) | AustLII
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Attorney General of New South Wales v Vakapora (Preliminary) [2020] NSWSC 1701 (3 December 2020) | AustLII
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PRIVATE SECURITY ACT 2004 - SECT 127 No entitlement to fees etc. unless licensed or registered | AustLII
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Moses, N J --- "When Is a Motor-Car Not a Motor-Car?: Newberry v Simmonds, Smart v Allan" [1963] SydLawRw 10; (1963) 4(2) Sydney Law Review 281 | AustLII
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J McPhee & Son (Aust) Pty Ltd v ACCC [2000] FCA 365 (12 April 2000) | AustLII
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Broadfoot v Wilson [1862] VicWWRp 23; (1861-1862) 1 Wyatt & W 147 (3 April 1862) | AustLII
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Application by Oporto (Franchising) Pty Ltd [2016] FWC 2297 (15 April 2016) | AustLII
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Dunn v New Group Training Inc [2008] NSWADT 287 (22 October 2008) | AustLII
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Boyd & another v Talbot & others [2021] QSC 99 (14 May 2021) | AustLII
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International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation | AustLII
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McCracken v Melbourne Storm Rugby League Football Club Limited & 2 Ors [2007] NSWCA 353 (13 December 2007) | AustLII
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Idig Developments Pty Ltd [2021] FWCA 5664 (13 September 2021) | AustLII
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Visy Paper Pty Ltd T/A Visy Recycling [2018] FWCA 5821 (17 September 2018) | AustLII
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Victorian Acts Reprints - Occupational Health and Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2000 | AustLII
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Lipsig-Mumme, Carla --- "Negotiating Regulation: The State, the Professions and the Dilemma of Autonomy" [2006] ELECD 27; in Arup, Christopher; Gahan, Peter; Howe, John; Johnstone, Richard; Mitchell,…
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Re Application by Geoffrey James Bird [2015] QSC 100 (30 April 2015) | AustLII
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Re The Collaroy Co Ltd [1898] NSWLawRp 104; (1898) 19 LR (NSW) Eq 210 (16 December 1898) | AustLII
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SZBCE v Minister for Immigration [2006] FMCA 1897 (13 December 2006) | AustLII
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Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Xin [2023] NSWSC 192 (7 March 2023) | AustLII
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CRIMES (ADMINISTRATION OF SENTENCES) REGULATION 2001 - REG 22 Classification of male inmates | AustLII
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Ying Mui & Ors v Frank Kiang Ngan Hoh & Ors (No 3) [2017] VSC 29 (8 February 2017) | AustLII
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SZMHC & Minister for Immigration & Anor [2008] FMCA 958 (9 July 2008) | AustLII
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Eastcoast Development Engineering Pty Ltd [2016] FWCA 317 (18 January 2016) | AustLII
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O'Neill v Medical Benefits Fund of Australia [2002] FCAFC 188 (17 June 2002) | AustLII
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King, John, In the Will of [1884] VicLawRp 55; (1884) 10 VLR (I) 34 (18 June 1884) | AustLII
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Knowler, Jeanette --- "Living down the past - Spent convictions schemes in Australia" [1994] PrivLawPRpr 80; (1994) 1(6) Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 103 | AustLII
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Acacia Avenue Preschool Association Inc & Ors (As Represented By Early Learning Association Australia Inc. T/A Early Learning Association Australia) [2024] FWC 1447 (3 June 2024) | AustLII
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Sethi v Cho [2023] NSWCATAP 221 (28 July 2023) | AustLII
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Bailey v The Mayor, &C, of Port Melbourne [1888] VicLawRp 80; (1888) 14 VLR 567 (18 July 1888) | AustLII
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PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 5 Application of Act | AustLII
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MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - REG 1.15I Skilled occupation | AustLII
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Re Sheehan [2021] QSC 89 (5 May 2021) | AustLII
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Czaja v State of Queensland (Queensland Health) [2022] QIRC 489 (20 December 2022) | AustLII
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ASIC v Flugge & Geary [2016] VSC 779 (15 December 2016) | AustLII
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